leo de melo

Growth Coach & Advisor

I’ve been helping purpose-driven freelancers prosper in life, health and business. Enquire about working together.

Value offering

I provide value to individual and business clients from:

For individual clients

I’ve been freelancing since the age of 16 – that’s 22 years ago at the time of writing. I know the trade, its pitfalls and opportunities. I’m also married to another freelancer — so I get the relationship and family dynamics.

I coach fellow freelancers and solopreneus as they build their authentic, deliberate and prosperous life, aligning Self, Health and Wealth.

As an individual, you may find value in our work together if:

To check availability for 1-to-1 work you can reach me via leo@leodemelo.com and mention why you’d like to work together.

For businesses

I work exclusively with education and wellness businesses – simply because they are the 2 industries I’m most excited to add value to.

Reasons for working together may include:

If you want to open-mindedly discuss how to strategically grow your education or wellness business, do get in touch with a brief overview – and we’ll get a call scheduled.


To ensure full alignment between value delivered and compensation, I take a creative, case-by-case approach for all clients.

It requires greater time investment on my part, yet guarantees that we both feel that we can and want to work together.